Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Monday, December 16, 2013

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Syndicate Trip

We're heading to the beach tomorrow!  Remember, lots of food and drink, mufti clothes and sunscreen.

Should be a great day!

Taekwondo Kids!

Lots of Room 6 students have been taking part in taekwondo  classes this year.  This week they had grading and a pizza party to celebrate the end of the year.

Great work guys!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Long Jump

Celebrating Athletics

Today we celebrated the athletes that were set to go to inter schools but got rained off.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Monday, November 25, 2013

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Brain Break

Dancing to One Direction!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Rainbow Poems

Red the colour that’s a pretty dress,
Orange the colour of the beautiful, nice sun,
Yellow the colour of the long beautiful soft grass, 
Blue the colour of the calm flat blue sea, 
Indigo the colour of walking into the deep dark caves, 
And violet the colour of boats.
By Holly

The red in the rainbow went splash to the rainbow,
Orange is a colour that goes through the wind,
Yellow is a colour of the sun,
Green is my grass colour,
Blue is the colour of the sky, 
Indigo is the colour of my cave,
Violet is my favourite colour.
By Katelyn

Red the colour of the dropping sun,
Orange the colour of fun, 
Yellow the colour of the runny golden yolk,  
Green the colour of the light rising smoke,
Blue the colour of rising waves,
Indigo the colour of deep dark bowling lanes,
And Violet the colour that shows your brave.
By Rhylee

Red is the colour of raging blood,
Orange is the colour of the sun,
Yellow is the colour of gold in the ground,
Green is the colour of green grass,
Indigo is the darkness of black thunder clouds,
Violet is the colour purple that makes you show that you’re brave.
by Daniel

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Poetry Competition

Sophie Hampson is holding a poetry competition so Room 6 wrote some poems about the seasons.

We hope someone in Room 6 wins because the poems are fantastic!

Frosty Winter. Cooking on the barbecue and near the toasty fire.
Beautiful Spring. Birds cheeping, lambs and leaping outside every day. Summer Burning Summer. On the beach, playing in the water and stepping on shells.
Colourful Autumn. Leaves falling in the breeze and squirrels collecting acorns. 

By Maia Hughes

Snowy Winter sneaks in at night sprinkling frost and snow all over my garden.
Spring is when the baby animals are born.
Hot Summer is when I go swimming.
Autumn is when the leaves fall off the trees.

By Joshua Fallow

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Reusing Newspaper and Old Boxes

Last term we created colourful, spiral artworks out of old boxes and newspaper. It was a lot of hard work but we got them finished. They look great in the school hall. Go and check them out!

Tower Competition

In groups of three we are competing to build the tallest tower. Each team gets the chance to build a tower out of each set of equipment. We measure the height of the tower and record it on a table so we can keep track of the results. When all groups have had a chance to build a tower using each type of equipment we will see who are the super tower builders!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013