Monday, February 24, 2014

Scooter Programme - Lesson 2

Remember to put your foot as far forward as possible. 
Practise swapping feet and pushing with your other foot. 
Give each other room so you don't crash!
Luke showed us how to swap feet by doing a little jump. 
When you go around corners scoot with your inside foot. 


  1. Well done Room 6 - you all look super amazing on your scooters! Great job everyone - Phylicia (Isabellas Mum)

  2. Looks like great fun room 6 and some great tips, Donna (Hannah's Mum)

  3. Wow! Looks like we have a classroom full of scooter professionals!! Well done!
    Sarah Bailey
    Ella-Rose's Mum

  4. Loved your scooter photos and reporting - well done everyone, keep safe out there!

  5. Wow Room 6 you look so skilled on those scooters! My daughters have scooters too. Could you share something that you have learned so I could tell them?
    Mrs Thomasx

    1. Thanks Mrs Thomas. We enjoyed scooter training. Some of the things we learnt were:

      When you wear your helmet you should be able to fit two fingers between your eyebrows and helmet.
      Turn your scooter around without flicking it round.
      Wear shoes that cover your toes and keep your foot as far forward as possible.
      When you cross the road walk your scooter.
      Check each drive way for cars.

      We hope this helps!

  6. Hi there Room 6, I notice two things: (1) You have cool font on your blog, which I don't have on mine, and (2) You have cool font on your blog, which I don't have on mine. Did you enjoy scootering?
    Mr H

  7. That looks like fun room 6! Ashleigh (Luke's mum)

  8. Hi room 6, I liked the scooter photos. By Hannah

  9. We love your brain breaks from Keita and Isabella


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