Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Digging for Potatoes

In Room 6 we have been growing potatoes. We have been waiting a long time for them to sprout. On Wednesday we harvested our potatoes. There were a lot of potatoes in the buckets. It was a lot of fun!


  1. Room 6 it is great to see you growing vegetables and then being able to harvest them. I wonder what you are going to do with them?
    Mandy - Teona's mum

  2. Terrific work Room 6, what handy knowledge to have of gardening which you can bring home and share with your family. Food always seems to taste the best when you grow it yourselves! I look forward to seeing what other projects you do on this website. Jan (Maria's mum)

  3. Great stuff room 6. Can't wait to what is next. I am pushing for broccoli. Ben (India's Dad)

  4. What a great idea Room 6.We love digging potatoes
    at our house.Laura always wants to see how many
    potatoes we have.It won't be long and we'll be planting some seed potatoes in our garden.I usually plant them in August so Laura can help me when the time comes. Ken (Laura's Dad)

  5. WOW Room 6 those are some BIG potatoes you v got there.


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