Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Syndicate Assembly

Today Room 6 shared our classroom learning wit the rest of the middle syndicate. Lots of people were brave and got up to share. Great work! By the end of the term I'm sure everyone will have had a go. 


  1. Great work room 6 .... you are all so brave getting up in front of your peers.
    Sarah Bailey
    (Ella-Rose's Mum)

  2. Hi Room 6,
    We enjoyed your Team Time very much. We really liked hearing your learning on Statistics and want Miss Fitchett to make a cake for us as well. Chocolate is our favourite too! We thought all the speakers looked confident. Josh C wants to know can he come back to Room 6?

    1. Thank you for your comment Room 8. Most of us loved sharing our learning with our syndicate. That is kind of Josh but I'm sure he'd really miss his new class and teacher!
      From Room 6

  3. Sorry we forgot to include Room 8 on the last comment.

  4. That's wonderful room 6 - I was never so confident so it is wonderful to see such confidence from 6/7 year olds! Well done :) Donna (Hannah's Mum)

  5. well done! from kaitlyn room 9

  6. Dear Matthew. Well done on your Mihi. We were very impressed with your loud and clear voice. You spoke beautifully. Good work Matthew. Also good work Kieran on your writing. That was an amazing story Kieran. Good work to all of you for giving it a try. What are you going to learn next? From Cody, Aliyah, Ella, Jade, Lucy M and Miss B in Room 7 :)


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